Phi Delta Phi Canada | The International Legal Honour Society

University of Ottawa, Martland Inn

Martland Inn was granted its charter on August 18, 1983.

The Inn was named after Roland Martland who sat on the Supreme Court of Canada for 24 years, participating in over 1,700 cases. Of these, he wrote the decision for the majority in some 230 cases and concurring judgments in more than 70 cases. He wrote dissenting judgments in some 40 cases. One of his most significant dissents, co-authored with Justice Ritchie, was in the Patriation Reference, where they argued that as a matter of constitutional law, the federal Parliament did not have the authority to unilaterally request that the British Parliament enact the proposed patriation constitutional amendments. Although in dissent on the legal issue, Martland and Ritchie were in the majority on the second issue in the Reference, the existence of a constitutional convention which required a significant degree of provincial support for major constitutional amendments.

Lionel Tupman, former Magister of Martland Inn remains involved with Phi Delta Phi serving on the Board of Directors of Phi Delta Phi (Ontario) Society. Lionel is also the Province President for Eastern Canada for Phi Delta Phi International.

Lionel Tupman remains prepared to assist students wishing to be involved In Martland Inn. Interested students should email